independent schools

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Almost half (48.6 per cent) of all independent schools in Canada have a religious orientation.

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The vast majority (70.4 per cent) of independent school students in B.C. attend a religious-based school.

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Public schools in Alberta require more than $13,000 taxpayer dollars to educate a student while independent and charter schools require under $5,300 and $9,000 respectively.

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With independent school enrolment rising even as the school-age population shrinks, the share of students enrolled in independent schools is growing all across the country.

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In Ontario, more and more parents are choosing to enroll their children in independent schools.

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Expectations are growing in many circles that the new NDP government in Alberta will be transformative.

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While much has been made about the ‘resolution’ of the teachers’ job action in Ontario, most of the discussion has missed two fundamental aspects of the debate: school choice and unionization in the public sector.

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Ontario needs a more supportive climate for private schools including access to the kind of financial support provided by other large provinces.

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Ontario’s financial status quo is not sustainable. That’s the conclusion of numerous independent analyses, the former provincial treasurer, and the province’s own commission on reform of public sector services. Yet despite these warnings, the province has allowed an unsustainable set of fiscal policies to persist while missing opportunities for reform.