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Duplicated regulation among provinces can impose needless costs on people and businesses.

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The U.S. has endured a relatively high corporate tax rate and growth of government regulations.

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Labour dispute notwithstanding, if fax is on its way out, post may already be gone.

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Already, Montreal taxpayers see 13 per cent of their city’s operating budget go to fund pensions.

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Today, with the comfort and leisure of modern open markets, we can scarcely imagine the back-breaking work of yore.

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Allowing workers to bargain independently from the union would help limit the problem of free-riding while not forcing workers to join a union and pay dues.

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Despite the potential for increased worker choice to benefit workers, opponents often raise three objections as reason not to pursue such reform.

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The B.C. government recently announced it will increase the minimum wage in September to $10.45 per hour. Thereafter, annual increases will be automatically pegged at the rate of inflation.

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As the Quebec government struggles to eliminate its deficit and rein in the largest debt burden in Canada, it has identified government-sector compensation as a way to restrain spending and balance the budget in 2015/16.