Despite misleading claims, senior poverty in B.C has fallen significantly over the past four decades.
measuring poverty
Any poverty line connected to average or median incomes is a "relative" measure.
For the vast majority of Canadians living in low income, their experience is temporary as they are able to transition out quickly.
Only 1.5 per cent of Canadians remained stuck in low income every year.
As the federal government contemplates a national “poverty reduction strategy,” a better and more complete understanding of the state of poverty in Canada is required.
Campaign 2000 is crudely measuring income inequality, not poverty.
Every year around this time theres a flurry of studies, reports and media stories about the state of poverty in Canada, especially child poverty. We are told that as many as one-seventh of Canada's kids live in poverty. And the accompanying descriptions of the predicament of those children paint a picture of hunger and of serious deprivation.