ontario government spending

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Ontario clings to illusion of fiscal sustainability
Since 1990, the province's net debt-to-GDP ratio has grown from 13 per cent to 43 per cent.

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Ontario government can learn fiscal lessons from Alberta

Despite steep budget deficits, successive provincial governments have been unwilling to reduce spending.

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Ontario government doles out corporate welfare

The province plans to give $500 million in loans and grants to a steel manufacturer in Hamilton.

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Ontario economy lags far behind nearby U.S. states

Compared to Ontario, the average per-capita GDP is 32.7 per cent higher in the rest of the Great Lakes region.

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Will Ontario avoid another post-recession era of debt growth

In the recent past, the province's recessions have been followed by extended periods of debt growth.

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On the minimum wage, Ford once again follows Wynne’s lead

The Ontario government plans to increase the minimum wage to $15 in January.

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Ontario consistently fails to reduce government debt after recessions

The province’s nominal debt will rise from $440 billion in 2021/22 to $504 billion in 2023/24.