When French President Francois Hollande visited Canada recently, one hopes the Gallic leader looked around. If he did, he would have noticed a stark difference in the economic opportunities between the two countries with the advantages mostly on this side of the Atlantic.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper recently announced his government will introduce income splitting for tax purposes at an annual cost of roughly $2 billion.
« Nous voulons que les Québécois paient moins d’impôt et de taxes », a affirmé Philippe Couillard, premier ministre du Québec en attendant que la commission spéciale chargée d’améliorer la compétitivité du régime fiscal provincial dépose ses recommandations. La déclaration du premier ministre est un signe positif : on commence à entrevoir la possibilité d’un changement.
From the fur trade to fisheries and forests, Canada was built on the toil and sweat of those who wanted to prosper. But these days, it’s harder to create opportunity. And sometimes, government is to blame. The latest example comes from Nova Scotia.
If you asked average Canadian families what their largest expense is, many would probably say housing. And you can’t blame them. Mortgage and rental payments are a painful monthly reminder of how much we pay for this basic necessity.