airline competition

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Under the Trump administration’s “America First” policy, there likely will be more trade complaints initiated by U.S.-based companies.

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“Nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kinds of people,” wrote Mark Twain in an 1867 letter to a San Francisco newspaper.

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Given most Canadians will take time off this summer, let’s improve Canada by copying some of the places Canadians might visit. Let’s start with some possibilities for improving travel.

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As you fly off to your favourite holiday spot this summer, consider the following cost comparisons on the price of airline tickets. Let’s start with Europe. Imagine you book return flights between five pairs of cities: London-Edinburgh, Paris-Toulon, Milan-Rome, Dusseldorf-Munich, and Barcelona-Madrid.

Book those return flights 21 days in advance and your bill is $689.68. Taxes and fees are 36 per cent of the total.

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It’s the holiday season – and people are flying hither and yon to visit family and friends. Many won’t be in the holiday mood by the time they land. Instead, they’ll grumpy about bad service and cranky about ticket prices.

Next year, people may be even grumpier if the Ottawa apparatchiks, who transformed Air Canada into Air Monopoly, continue to make bad transportation policy, as appears likely.