balanced budget

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Parliament should work toward budget balance for sake of Canadians

Since 2015/16, federal gross debt has approximately doubled from $1.1 trillion to an expected $2.1 trillion this year.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly—government budgets in 2024

The federal government plans to run a $39.8 billion deficit in 2024/25.

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Ford government increases deficit and fails to deliver long-awaited tax reductions

The province's program spending will reach $193.0 billion this year—an increase of $2.3 billion from the budget tabled in March.

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June 27 is Balanced Budget Tax Freedom Day in Canada

According to budget forecasts, the federal government will run a $40.1 billion deficit this year.

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To avoid fiscal crisis, Trudeau government must learn from history

The federal budget deficit has skyrocketed to 15.9 per cent of Canada's economy.

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The government has once again refused to set a timeline for returning to a balanced budget.