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BC’s Descriptive Grading on Report Cards Has Parents Yearning for the ABCs

B.C.’s Descriptive Grading on Report Cards Has Parents Yearning for the ABCs finds that the vast majority of parents in Canada easily understand letter grades on report cards but are confused by the new “descriptive” grading recently adopted in British Columbia.

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Economic Recovery in Canada before and after COVID: Job Growth in the Government and Private Sectors finds that historically, no other recent era of recession and recovery in Canada have been so dominated by government sector job growth compared to private sector job growth, with 8 out of 10 provinces' government sector growth exceeding that of the private sector.

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ESG: Myths and Realities - Collected Essays

ESG: Myths and Realities is a collected essay series, edited by Fraser Institute Senior Fellow Steven Globerman, that provides a wide-ranging assessment of the environmental, social and governance movement—known as ESG. Among other considerations, the essays identify and consider the myriad issues that arise when publicly traded companies are directed by government legislation and regulations, or pressured by interest groups, to adopt a broad stakeholder framework rather than a shareholder (or investor) focused framework.

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Boosting Canada's Competitiveness by Reforming Business Taxation

Boosting Canada’s Competitiveness by Reforming Business Taxation suggests that only taxing profit disbursements for businesses, which include dividend payments, share buybacks, and bonuses, rather than taxing all business profits, would lead to greater business investment, increasing worker productivity, growth in the economy, and ultimately raise living standards for Canadians.

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Report Card on Alberta’s High Schools 2024

Report Card on Alberta’s High Schools 2024 ranks 292 public, Catholic, independent and charter secondary schools based on eight academic indicators generated from Grade 12 provincewide testing, grade-to-grade transition and graduation rates.

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Our Incomes Are Falling Behind: Earnings in the Canadian Provinces and U.S. States, 2010-2022 finds that the median employment earnings—wages, salaries and self-employment income—of workers were lower in every Canadian province than in every state in the United States.

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Industrial Policy as Zombie Economics

Industrial Policy as Zombie Economics is a new study that finds the “new” industrial policy model of increased partnerships between government and private sector, which is being pursued across developed countries, is likely to fail just as previous industrial policies failed. In particular, capital markets—and not government—are best positioned and incentivized to determine how financial capital and other productive inputs should be allocated in order to promote real economic growth and higher standards of living.