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Government Spending & Taxes

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In 2016, the average Canadian family will pay 43 per cent of its income in taxes.

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As oil royalties have fallen, Albertans have endured multiple tax hikes and a S&P downgrade.

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The new tax scheme will cost a family of four about $338 extra in 2017.

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This week I got an email from the Quebec Liberal Party that gives new meaning to the term “Quebec, Inc.”

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The government has moved from a 10 per cent flat rate personal income tax to a progressive tax with steeper rates.

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Ontario will wind up with higher taxes, more regulation and more distortive subsidies—a dangerous combination for the provincial economy.

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At an average of 3.6 per cent, the most robust growth period for Central Canada was during the pre-1973 oil crisis.

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The Institute recently released a study that calculated rates of return (nominal and real) received by Canadian retirees from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP).

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Alberta projects a budget deficit of $28.9 billion over the next three years.

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