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We're Getting Poorer

We’re getting poorer: GDP per Capita in Canada and the OECD, 2002 - 2060 is a new study that finds Canada had the third-lowest growth in GDP per person—a broad measure of living standards—from 2014 to 2022 among 30 advanced economies in the OECD.

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Economic Impact and GHG Effects of Fed Govt's ERP thru 2030

The Economic Impact and GHG Effects of the Federal Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan through 2030 is a new study that finds Ottawa’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will impose significant costs on Canadians, while also failing to meet the government’s own emission-reduction target.

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New Federal Fiscal Framework for Canada

A New Federal Fiscal Framework for Canada finds that if the federal government reduced program spending by only 2.3 per cent over two years and eliminated a host of tax expenditures, it could balance the budget and reduce personal income tax rates affecting most Canadians.

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Comparing the Investment Performances of Canada and the United States over the Past Five Decades

Comparing the Investment Performances of Canada and the United States Over the Past Five Decades is a new study that finds weak business investment in technologies that increase worker productivity over the past decade is stifling Canada’s economic growth and suppressing improvements in Canadian living standards when compared to other OECD countries—especially the United States, which has only grown in these areas.

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A New Fiscal Framework for British Columbia

A New Fiscal Framework for British Columbia finds that the B.C. government should stop relying on volatile boom-and-bust resource revenues—like the Alberta government—and fundamentally change its fiscal approach.

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Ottawa’s Regulatory Assault on the Extraction Sector and Its Impact on Investment

Ottawa’s Regulatory Assault on the Extraction Sector and its Impact on Investment is the latest installment in the Institute’s essay series on federal policy reforms. Authored by Senior Fellow Kenneth Green, this essay spotlights the excessive regulatory burden that has been imposed on the oil and gas sector in Canada over the past 10 years and highlights how much-needed business investment in the industry has declined as a result.

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Measuring Progressivity in Canada’s Tax System, 2024

Measuring Progressivity in Canada’s Tax System, 2024 finds that despite common misperception, the top 20 per cent of income-earning families pay a larger share of total taxes (54.2 per cent) than their share of income (46.4 per cent).