alberta debt

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The provincial government created a new five-bracket tax system with a top tax rate increasing by 50 per cent.

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Provincial program spending between 2004/05 and 2014/15 increased by nearly 100 per cent.

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Province’s net financial position could decrease by another $14 billion in 2016/17, making it a net debtor province.

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The last thing businesses and consumers need is yet another new tax piled on top.

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Alberta continues to face significant economic challenges. Rather than make matters worse, governments should implement pro-growth economic policies.

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Today's Alberta budget forecasts a $6.1 billion deficit for this fiscal year, and the province is on track to record 10 budget deficits in 11 years.

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Let’s look at the expected fiscal balances in Canada’s 10 provinces for 2015/16.

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When Finance Minister Joe Ceci unveils Alberta’s budget on Oct. 27, Albertans can expect a sizeable deficit. In fact, the government’s latest data suggest a $5.9 billion deficit, but Minister Ceci has cautioned it could be “in the range of $6.5 billion.” In either case, the amount isn’t trivial.

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With a large deficit looming, it's a good time to put Alberta’s finances in longer-term perspective.