climate alarmists

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New climate tests are unnecessary since the effects of pipelines and LNG terminals on climate change are negligible at worst and positive at best.

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On May 28th, a new Hollywood blockbuster is poised to unleash a perfect storm of propagandistic gyrations. Like The China Syndrome and Waterworld, “The Day After Tomorrow” is an apocalyptic tale of environmental self-destruction. This time though, it’s not a nuclear reactor or melting ice caps, it’s a sudden ice age -- and we mean like a few days worth of sudden -- caused by human greenhouse gas emissions that trigger the shutdown of a major oceanic current that distributes heat around the globe.

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This has been a very bad year for climate alarmists. On the threshold of worldwide enactment of the Kyoto Protocol, the Russians are saying “nyet,” and scientists around the world are busy ripping the rug out from under alarmist climate predictions.