educational choice

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The average income for families with children attending most B.C. independent schools is $78,894.

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Unlike all four western provinces and Quebec, Ontario offers no funding for independent schools.

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Charter schools are particularly well-equipped and effective at serving the needs of students of disadvantaged populations.

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With teacher contracts ratified in Ontario, attention can be turned from what teachers want to what parents want. And it’s increasingly clear that parents want choice.

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Expectations are growing in many circles that the new NDP government in Alberta will be transformative.

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As BC parents and students struggle with the teachers’ strike and prospects of a significantly delayed school year, it’s worth understanding how and why one-in-eight students (and their parents) in the province is unaffected by the strike.

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Au moment où les élèves et les enseignants québécois font leur rentrée scolaire, il vaut la peine de s’arrêter un instant pour faire le point sur l’état de l’éducation au Québec. Il ne fait aucun doute qu’une très bonne éducation est essentielle à la réussite au 21e siècle. Un diplôme d’école secondaire réduit considérablement le risque de connaître un faible revenu et le chômage.