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Government Spending & Taxes

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From 2015 to 2017, Canada ranked second lowest among 17 comparable countries in annual investment as a percentage of GDP.

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Like all taxes, a carbon tax imposes its own burdens and amplifies the economic costs of all other taxes in the economy.

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When federal and provincial/local revenue shares are combined, the tax revenue-to-GDP ratio is close to 40 per cent.

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The 10.5 per cent small business tax rate on the first $500,000 of income creates an incentive for many Canadian firms to stay small.

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In the last 37 fiscal years, the province has only posted seven budget surpluses.

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Business owners must spend significant amounts of money on accountants and lawyers to navigate the tax code.

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In the House of Commons on Tuesday, the prime minister admitted that many middle-class Canadians are now paying more taxes.

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The Trudeau government is pressing ahead with contentious reform plans for small business taxation.

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