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Canada unlikely to meet NATO commitments without significant debt accumulation

Because of its own failures to responsibly manage the nation’s finances, Canada is in a weak fiscal position to increase defence spending.

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Remove the LCBO from the hands of politicians

The provincial government recently intervened in the Crown corporation's internal business decisions.

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Alberta government must further restrain spending to stabilize provincial finances

This year, program spending will reach a projected $14,334 per Albertan, which is $1,603 higher than the original plan.

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Don’t use Alberta’s Heritage Fund to pick ‘winners and losers’

The province's taxpayers lost more than $2 billion from failed loans, guarantees and share purchases in major projects.

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June 23 is Balanced Budget Tax Freedom Day in Canada

Canadians should consider the $69.9 billion in combined federal and provincial deficits as deferred taxes.

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Ontario’s future as dynamic economy in doubt—if employment trends continue

A drop in self-employment means a drop in the number of small businesses and a decline in entrepreneurship.

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Canadians right to worry about ‘big government’ agenda

When governments limit economic freedom, citizens find it harder to buy and sell what they want.

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly—government budgets in 2024

The federal government plans to run a $39.8 billion deficit in 2024/25.

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Carbon tax will make Canadians worse off

A $170 per-tonne carbon tax will cause a permanent loss of nearly 185,000 jobs in Canada.

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Ottawa’s stifling policies will test optimism of Canadian CEOs

The success of any economy hinges on its institutions including its laws and regulations.

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