Fraser Forum

Government Spending & Taxes

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Today the personal income tax accounts for almost half of federal revenues.

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In 1938, only 2.3 per cent of the population filed personal income taxes.

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Arguments about taxation, including Canada’s personal income tax, should have a moral component.

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Capital gains taxes are on the rise in Canada because various provinces, and the federal government, have increased their personal income tax rates.

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Queen’s Park’s policies have raised the cost of electricity to the point of bankrupting individuals and businesses.

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Over the next five years, program spending is projected to grow 2.8 per cent annually while provincial revenues increase 3.1 per cent.

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The Alberta government forecasts an 11 per cent increase in spending.

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Tax uncertainty impedes decisions by entrepreneurs and investors.

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Capital gains tax revenue from individual Canadians amounts to $4.3 billion each year.

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