Fraser Forum

Government Spending & Taxes

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With more tax credits, the government has to keep income tax rates higher to raise the same amount of revenue.

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Only $2.4 billion is being spent on trade and transportation infrastructure over the next five years.

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This week’s 2016 Economic Statement cut average growth to 1.7 per cent over the next five years.

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Reports in advance of Ottawa’s federal fiscal update suggest the deficit may reach $34 billion.

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Ontario had to write-off $1 billion of taxpayer money from the General Motors/Chrysler bailout.

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Amazingly, the federal government offers no cost estimates of more than 90 tax expenditures.

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If provincial finance ministers are convinced they require more funding for health care, they have the ability to raise that revenue themselves.

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On total social spending, where do Canada and the U.S. rank?

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