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Government Spending & Taxes

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Spending reductions—not tax increases—key to economic recovery and budget balance
According to current projections, the federal government will not balance the budget until 2050.

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Biden spending spree expands America’s welfare state

Even though the vast majority of Americans never lost their jobs, politicians sent stimulus money directly to most households.

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Prime Ministers and Government Spending, 2021 edition

Federal program spending in 2021 will reach a projected $11,370 per person—or 18.7 per cent of the economy.

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Despite court ruling, Ottawa’s carbon tax remains fundamentally flawed

The carbon tax will increase by $15 per tonne until it reaches $170 per tonne.

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The evolution of federal debt interest costs in Canada

The federal government has seemingly ditched the debt-averse approach that largely prevailed in Ottawa since the mid-1980s.

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Charitable giving on the wane in New Brunswick

Among residents who donated, the average annual contribution equalled only 0.45 per cent of their household income.

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Alberta’s finances—back to the ’90s?

The province expects a $15.5 billion budget deficit next year.

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Federal finances ‘careening downhill’ fast
The federal net debt may rise from $812.9 billion in 2019-20 to more than $1.4 trillion by 2025-26.

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Making sense of Canada’s $381.6 billion federal budget deficit

Eliminating the entire equalization program this year would reduce the federal deficit by only 5.4 per cent.

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