Fraser Forum

Health Care

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Hospital care in Germany is delivered by 833 public, 1,040 not-for-profit, and 1,356 for-profit hospitals.

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American presidential candidates who want to emulate elements of the Canadian model invite significant negative unintended consequences.

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Only four provinces allow people to buy private insurance for the kinds of health care provided by the government system.

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France spends slightly less (as a percentage of GDP) on health care than Canada, and has a higher number of physicians and hospital beds, and lower wait times.

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The problem of a high-cost low-performance system is not just a provincial one—but a Canadian one.

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Survey found 70 per cent of Canadian primary care doctors thought their patients often experienced long wait times to see a specialist—the worst showing of any country surveyed.

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Australia generally has more medical resources, lower wait times and comparable health outcomes.

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Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland all have some type of health-care cost-sharing scheme.

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In Canada, the decline in house calls has taken place despite evidence that an increase in house calls would increase quality of care and decrease costs.

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