Fraser Forum

Health Care

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COVID creating a backlog of cancelled elective surgeries in Canada

Treatable conditions may turn into more permanent debilitating conditions.

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Private health insurance, not government bureaucracy, spurs health-care innovation

In Australia, Italy and the United Kingdom, private insurance allows patients a wider choice of providers and faster access to health care.

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Is Ottawa competent enough to design an efficient and effective national pharmacare program?

A national formulary—essentially a list of drugs—is unlikely to match the comprehensive lists covered by private insurance plans.

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Private sector helping address physician scarcity in the U.S.

A 1991 report recommended a 10 per cent reduction in medical school enrolment in Canada.

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Pharmacare ‘cost-savings’ should not trump appropriate drug use

Cancer drug's use in retinal therapy has been linked with increased risks of stroke and death.

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Quebecers elected the Coalition Avenir Québec with an overwhelming majority.

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