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Courts deal another blow to B.C. patients waiting for health care

Patients in the province could expect to wait 25.8 weeks (on average) between a specialist referral and receipt of treatment.

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Income numbers tell tale of economic decline in Windsor and London

Southwestern Ontario’s two largest cities went from the top third to the bottom third for median income in Canada.

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Ottawa’s approach to spending—what goes up must continue going up

Federal program spending is expected to grow by $132.7 billion—or 41 per cent—between 2014/15 and 2023/24.

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Federal ‘green agenda’ unlikely to spur business investment

Green technologies and related manufactured goods comprise less than 1 per cent of Canada's GDP.

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Ontario set to fall far short of homebuilding goal

Among Canada’s largest metropolitan areas, the three with the fewest housing units per 1,000 were in Ontario.

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Despite surge of revenue, few Canadian governments expect surpluses in 2023

According to projections, federal net debt will jump by more than $142 billion over the next five years.

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Government workers in Quebec enjoy pay premium over private-sector counterparts

Full-time government workers in the province took more time off for personal reasons than their private-sector counterparts.

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