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Policing and Crime in Ontario, Part 1: proposals for more money

Crimes rates in the province have grown since 2015, except for a sharp drop in 2020.

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B.C.’s recent spending spree may soon lead to budget deficits

During the restraint period, per-person spending increased by $44 per year compared to $401 from 2016/17 to 2019/20.

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Insufficient supply relative to demand means fewer homes available to renters and buyers alike.

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B.C. government ramped up spending after 2017 election

The provincial budget forecasts a large increase in debt over the next few years relative to the size of the economy.

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If we’re not ready, immigration comes with heavy costs

Without accompanying business investment, an increased labour supply will lead to lower per-capita income growth.

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Canada’s eligibility age for government retirement benefits still stuck in the past

An aging population means more spending on health care and income support for older people.

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Higher taxes hit middle-income earners in Atlantic Canada

In all four Atlantic provinces, workers at the national average income level must earn more than $152 to boost their after-tax income by $100.

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Ontario’s fiscal challenges—is there political will to address them?

Despite years of criticizing its predecessors for reckless spending, the Ford government has followed a similar fiscal path.

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Ontario government should not give government workers large pay increases

Government workers in the province enjoy higher wages and benefits compared to similar private-sector workers.

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Ontario’s government debt actually increased last year by $6.8 billion

Ontario’s net debt increased from $373.6 billion in 2020/21 to $380.4 billion in 2021/22.

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