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Saskatchewan government must resist urge to spend windfall

The province eliminated its rainy-day account in 2007/08.

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Trudeau government targets law-abiding gunowners, again

Research shows that previous legislation prohibiting the possession and acquisition of certain firearms made no discernable impact on homicide rates.

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Despite surplus, Smith government must restrain spending

Governments in Alberta have a long history of increasing provincial spending during periods of high resource revenue, which inevitably leads to deficits once resource revenues decline.

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Trudeau government is all gas and no brake on spending

According to forecasts, federal spending will be $89.2 billion higher than previously projected for 2022/23 and $80.7 billion higher in 2023/24.

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If provinces and states are too big (or too small) it’s a problem

Ontario is roughly three times larger than both B.C. and Alberta.

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Understanding universal health care: Cost-Sharing for Patients in Belgium, Part 2

Outpatient pharmaceuticals in Belgium are usually partially reimbursed through a third-party payer scheme.

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Bank of Canada must stay aggressive to tame inflation

Ottawa is spending nearly one-third more than it was in 2019 before the pandemic.

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COVID fallout—a provincial breakdown of the numbers

For the 2020 to 2022 period, the average annual GDP growth rate was highest in B.C. at more than 2 per cent.

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