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Transport top spending category for GTHA municipalities

In the region, on a per-person basis, Toronto spent the least on waste disposal, sewer systems and other environmental infrastructure.

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Hamilton and Mississauga—a tale of two cities’ spending

Twenty-two GTHA municipalities increased per-person spending between 2009 and 2019.

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What are the top spending categories for Metro Vancouver municipalities?

Burnaby allocated the highest share of spending to parks and recreation.

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Record-high resource revenue fuels Alberta’s projected surplus

From 2008/09 to 2020/21, the province's net financial position deteriorated by almost $100 billion.

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Employee compensation dominates GTHA municipal spending

Nineteen of the region's 26 municipalities spent more than 60 per cent of their budgets on employee compensation and contracted services.

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Ontario government poised to outspend predecessor

Governments often spend money today but promise more discipline in the future.

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Don’t blame COVID for Ottawa’s record-high debt levels

This year's federal per-person debt level is more than 25 per cent higher than in 2019.

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Mining investors remain worried about Yukon’s disputed land claims

The territory ranked among the world's top 10 most-attractive mining jurisdictions.

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