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Upcoming budget last chance for Ford government to keep fiscal promises in first term

The government has increased per-person spending by more than 10 per cent between 2018/19 and 2020/21.

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Ontario clings to illusion of fiscal sustainability
Since 1990, the province's net debt-to-GDP ratio has grown from 13 per cent to 43 per cent.

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Bigger government in Canada—there’s no free lunch

When tax rates increase, people often change their economic behaviour in ways that shrink the targeted tax base.

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Ontario economy falls further behind its neighbours

The region's average per-person GDP is 32.7 per cent larger than Ontario's.

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Bank of Canada rate hike may be too little too late

Ramping up interest rates at this juncture places more of the burden of fighting inflation on consumers.

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Budget 2022 fails to get federal finances back on track

The projected federal deficit for 2022/23 could have been reduced by more than 42 per cent had the government stuck to last spring's spending plan.

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Canada’s federal parties should respect provincial jurisdiction

National politicians aren’t as well placed to make local decisions as local politicians.

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Alberta’s resource revenue windfall largest on record

The province's resource revenue is expected to increase from $3.3 billion in 2020/21 to $13.7 billion in 2021/22.

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The evidence is clear—Alberta is no ‘petrostate’

With respect to employment, Alberta’s was the most diversified economy in Canada in 2020.

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