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Rising debt interest costs further threaten Alberta finances

By 2023/24, debt interest will consume 6.6 per cent of all provincial revenues.

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Freedom and equality for women and minorities—the real history you may not know

Progressive economists sought to exclude “unfit” workers—mostly women and minorities—from the labour market.

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Ford government presiding over massive growth of debt and debt interest costs
Ontario's projected net government debt will eclipse $585 billion by 2029-30.

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Ontario’s latest budget will keep debt interest costs rising

According to the budget, debt interest payments will total $13.1 billion in 2021/22.

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Ford budget could represent turning point in Ontario fiscal history

Within two fiscal years of Chretien's 1995 budget, federal finances had moved from large deficits to surpluses.

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Ontario’s debt legacy makes balancing budget harder

According to the 2020 budget, the government will spend an estimated $12.5 billion on debt interest.

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Ontario’s combined government debt exceeds 100% of GDP

By 2020/21, the provincial net debt equaled $27,010 per Ontarian.

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Ford government faces pivotal choice in upcoming budget

Ontario's debt interest costs are expected to increase to $13.9 billion in 2022/23.

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How leaving people alone makes us rich

Every year in Canadian and U.S. grocery stores, 20,000 new products are tried out.

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