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Trudeau government poised to embrace much more federal debt

This year's federal budget deficit will reach a projected $381 billion.

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Tax reform should play crucial role in COVID recovery

Canada has the seventh-highest top combined personal income tax rate in the OECD.

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Federal and provincial government debt mounting quickly in Canada

Ontarians carry the second-largest combined government debt burden among Canadians.

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Trudeau government wage subsidy program likely not worth the price tag

This fiscal year, the wage subsidy program will cost $4,100 per member of the Canadian workforce.

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Governments betting on low interest rates may experience rude awakening

The Trudeau government will run a record budget deficit approaching $400 billion.

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To fulfill Trudeau’s latest fiscal promise, spring budget must chart path to budget balance

The Liberals ran three years of deficits totalling $51.9 billion, more than double the amount promised during the campaign.

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National pharmacare poll ignores fiscal reality and alternative plans

Every province already offers drug coverage to social assistance recipients at low or no cost.

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Despite spending hundreds of billions during COVID, we seem to have little to show for it

Governments in Canada are experts at imposing rules and regulations rather than incentives.

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Atlantic Canada’s population is getting older faster

The four Atlantic provinces have the largest share of residents over the age of 65 in Canada.

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Hope springs eternal for freedom worldwide
The Chinese Communist Party has intensified its attack on freedom at home and abroad.

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