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National economy relies heavily on Toronto and Vancouver housing markets

B.C. has seen relatively low levels of capital investment in productivity-enhancing assets.

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Flawed federal carbon-pricing plan will hurt economy
According to the Trudeau government plan, the carbon tax will reach $170 by 2030.

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Higher federal carbon tax will imperil Canadian competitiveness
The federal government now wants a $170 per tonne carbon tax by 2030.

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Ontario’s finances—back to the ’90s?

The province expects a $33.1 billion deficit next year.

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Fiscal update—federal finances in worse shape than previously thought

Per-person federal government program spending will reach an estimated $16,350 in 2020.

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What a difference a decade can make—southwestern Ontario’s sobering lesson for Alberta

Alberta had the lowest top personal income tax bracket in North America in 2014—now it has the 10th highest.

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Southwestern Ontario lagging behind in job creation, income growth

In Windsor, median household income actually declined.

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Canada’s fiscal situation near crisis levels

Federal net debt for 2020-21 will likely exceed $1.1 trillion.

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