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Northern Ontario demographic profile skews older than provincial average.

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After peaking in 2006, the share of the one per cent has steadily declined from 13.7 per cent to 11.6 per cent in 2014.

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Between 2010 and 2015, average annual employment growth in eastern Ontario was negative at -0.6 per cent.

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Employment in the region remains below pre-recession levels.

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The average U.S. donation was US$5,807—more than three-and-a-half times the average Canadian donation.

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The Quebec government has been playing tough with Uber and imposing severe restrictions on it.

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On average, ICBC's $15,000 repair bill for a luxury car is roughly six times higher than for a typical car.

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The 1,000 Carrier workers are happy—the unknown future job-losers can only stuff their pink slips in their pockets and wait until next election.

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