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The Bank of Canada and other central banks around the world have artificially lowered interest rates, making investment and risk-taking much cheaper.

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Though Canada escaped lightly from the last crisis, we may not be so fortunate in the future.

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The founders were familiar with the works of American founding fathers such as Jefferson and European political philosophers such as Edmund Burke.

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Canadians are clearly not convinced that Ottawa engaged in responsible resettlement during refugee crisis.

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Intergenerational income mobility is much higher for children of parents with lower levels of income.

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Higher home prices are strongly associated with restrictive land-use regulations.

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I’ve never understood why countries should have to form unions in order to trade freely with each other.

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On Monday, Canada’s finance ministers announced an “agreement in principle” to expand the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), which will force Canadians to contribute more to the program.

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Canadians may be forced to contribute up to an extra $3,250 more to the CPP each year.

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Accounting for non-pension assets in projections of future retirement income makes a difference.

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