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Economic freedom can help improve allocation of human capital for men and women
The gender wage gap is largely explained by differences in the educational and employment choices of men and women.

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Singapore’s industrial policy promotes real economic growth

Politicians and bureaucrats in Canada are rarely affected if the claimed benefits of government initiatives fail to materialize.

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Economic progress stalling for Canada and other G7 countries

Productivity in Ireland has grown at a rapid annual pace of 5.9 per cent, more than six times faster than the G7.

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Misleading polls may produce more damaging federal policies
Support for pharmacare drops from 79 per cent to 40 per cent when the question includes a GST hike.

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British Columbians right to worry about secretive rushed approach to Aboriginal title
The legislation will implement an agreement with the Haida Nation to recognize Aboriginal title over the Haida Gwaii archipelago.

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Federal government’s fiscal record—one for the history books

The size of the federal government has expanded by more than one quarter in a decade.

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Municipal dollars in Ontario—where did the money go?

Municipal government spending in the province has grown 2.5 times faster than general inflation and two times faster than population.

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Federal budget’s scale of spending and debt reveal a government lacking self-control

In 2024/25, federal program spending will reach a projected $483.6 billion—up $16.1 billion from the previous budget’s estimates.

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Proclaiming your government ‘fiscally responsible’ does not make it so

According to projections, this federal government will possess the eight highest levels of per-person spending in Canadian history.

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