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Slowdown of world economic growth would likely reduce demand for Canadian resource exports

In 2018, China imported almost US$5.4 billion of crude oil from the U.S.

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A glimmer of hope for natural resource development

The bill mandates taking account of the “gender” impacts of proposed projects.

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Contributions to the CPP—comparing provinces

Alberta’s $27.9 billion net contribution over this period is almost four times greater than Ontario’s.

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Eco-group presents a few strawmen and two red herrings

Gasoline would need to rise to $2.30 per litre.

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Ontario government proposals could boost housing supply, increase affordability

Queen’s Park aims to boost the number of secondary suites including laneway homes and garage units.

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Ottawa handing out electric car subsidies

Federal rebates now apply to $50,000 vehicles.

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Ford government counting on revenue growth to outpace spending

The provincial net debt could hit $390 billion by 2023-24.

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Quick summary of the zillionaires’ externality

Geese don’t lay golden eggs unless they get to keep some of them.

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Electricity consumers (you and me) pay for misguided policies that distort energy markets

Coal-fired generators have raised their prices by 1.9 cents per kilowatt hour.

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Ontario unemployment numbers—the devil’s in the details

Toronto's employment rate fell from 64 per cent to 61.9 per cent.

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