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Kenney government must learn from Alberta’s fiscal freefall

Both B.C. and Saskatchewan now carry less per-person provincial government debt than Alberta.

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Trudeau government sets sights on legal gunowners—while ignoring criminals

Bill C-21 allows anyone to ask the courts for a warrantless search and seizure.

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A brief fiscal history of Alberta—marked by spending spikes
Since 2005, nominal per-capita program spending in Alberta has averaged about 14 per cent above the Canadian average.

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Kenney government must learn from fiscal mistakes—and successes—of the past

Alberta's deficit this year will be the largest in history, relative to the size of the provincial economy, at 6.9 per cent of GDP.

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Carbon tax proponent misses mark—several times

Climate targets are irrelevant when determining whether a carbon tax is good policy.

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Canada’s COVID response requires more imagination and innovation

Protracted lockdowns slowly strangle the economic and social life of the country.

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Trudeau government poised to embrace much more federal debt

This year's federal budget deficit will reach a projected $381 billion.

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Tax reform should play crucial role in COVID recovery

Canada has the seventh-highest top combined personal income tax rate in the OECD.

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Federal and provincial government debt mounting quickly in Canada

Ontarians carry the second-largest combined government debt burden among Canadians.

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Trudeau government wage subsidy program likely not worth the price tag

This fiscal year, the wage subsidy program will cost $4,100 per member of the Canadian workforce.

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