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Alberta’s budget at a glance

Additional spending reductions would have created additional fiscal room for pro-growth tax reform.

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NBA controversy underscores China’s bullying tactics

Appeasing Beijing can come with financial and reputational costs.

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Canada’s North attracts mining interest but government policies require reform

Mining investors identified infrastructure issues in Canada’s North as a major area of concern.

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Balance Alberta’s budget sooner—limit growth of debt interest costs

Alberta's per-person debt-service costs may hit $655 by 2020/21.

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What’s the over/under on next year’s top marginal rate?

Since its inception, the U.S. federal minimum wage has never been reduced.

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Alberta budget should target personal income taxes

The top combined personal income tax rate in Alberta is now 48 per cent compared to 39 per cent in 2014.

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If you’ve got the money, honey, I’ve got the time preference

Nelson gave up substantial amounts of future consumption to finance his current consumption.

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How Ottawa can tackle the housing shortage

The federal government recently committed $1.37 billion to two major rapid transit projects in Metro Vancouver.

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Canada needs more major trading partners beyond China and the U.S.

China still only represents five per cent of our exports.

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A buck is a buck is a buck, except when it isn’t

Making various benefits tax-free gives an advantage to rich people, too.

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