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Potential investment manager for an Alberta pension plan—here are the facts

Workers born in 1993 or later can expect a real rate of return of just 2.5 per cent from the CPP.

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New ‘fiscal framework’ won’t solve Alberta’s ongoing problem

From 2008/09 to 2020/21, the province racked up $60 billion in provincial net debt.

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Alberta government should adopt fiscal sustainability analysis and reporting framework
Sound analysis supports the efficient allocation of scarce financial resources.

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Nunavut’s policy perception is hampering mining potential

In terms of policy factors alone, the territory now ranks 55th out of 62 jurisdictions.

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Ford government increases deficit and fails to deliver long-awaited tax reductions

The province's program spending will reach $193.0 billion this year—an increase of $2.3 billion from the budget tabled in March.

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Any reasonable CPP asset split would reduce contribution rates for Albertans
Albertans have paid significantly more into the CPP than its retirees have received in return.

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Nova Scotia government closed schools even after reality of COVID became clear

By December 2020, a large body of research showed that children represented two per cent or less of diagnosed COVID cases.

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Taxes consume more than 45% of household income for average Canadian family

Expenditures on housing comprise less than half of what the average family pays in taxes.

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