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A recent op-ed cited the “myth of underfunding” of First Nations communities in Canada. Whatever your opinion on the issue, the facts are clear. Consider the four streams of revenue that flow to First Nations across the country.

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)

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If the government froze program spending at 2015/16 levels, Alberta would only accumulate $11.8 billion in debt by 2019/20.
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The $5.4 billion projected deficit in 2015/16 is driven by higher spending—not a weak economy.

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Part of being free is being free not to participate in the democratic process if you don’t want to.

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American presidential candidates who want to emulate elements of the Canadian model invite significant negative unintended consequences.

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Today, with the comfort and leisure of modern open markets, we can scarcely imagine the back-breaking work of yore.

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Reforming OAS so that high-income seniors receive fewer benefits could produce cost-savings to pay for increased benefits to vulnerable seniors.

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It’s fairly clear that most of the budget's ‘infrastructure’ spending is not aimed at improving Canada’s roads, bridges and highways.

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More than 25 First Nation communities in the province have signed LNG development agreements with project proponents.

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An expansion in the number of H-1B visas available in the U.S. could affect the supply of skilled immigrants available to other countries, including Canada.

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