Ron Kneebone

Ron Kneebone is a Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Calgary. Since 2009, he has served as Director of Economic & Social Policy Research in the School of Public Policy. His published research has dealt with issues pertaining to government budget financing in a federal state, the political economy of government deficit and debt reduction, the history of government fiscal and monetary relations in Canada, and the characteristics of Canadian federal, provincial, and municipal fiscal policy choices. Professor Kneebone is a co-author on two well-known undergraduate textbooks: A text on economic principles with Gregory Mankiw and Ken McKenzie and an intermediate level text on macroeconomics with Andrew Abel and Ben Bernanke. For joint work with Ken McKenzie he was awarded the Doug Purvis Memorial Prize for the best published work in Canadian public policy in 2000. From 2002 to 2006, Professor Kneebone served as an associate editor of Canadian Public Policy, Canada’s foremost academic journal examining economic and social policy.