
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Stewart Bell

    Stewart Bell is a Senior Reporter at the National Post, where he covers the national security beat. A veteran investigative reporter and foreign correspondent, he has been writing about terrorism for more than 12 years, and has traveled on assignment ...

  2. Stockwell Day

    Stockwell Day attended the University of Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia, received training in auctioneering and business in British Columbia and Alberta and also took counselling and ministerial training in Alberta. In business, he has been active ...

  3. Stuart Adams

    Stuart Adams is a planning consultant and owner of Stuart Adams and Associates Planning Consultants Limited. He began his professional career as a city planner, first, for the City of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and next for the City of Vancouver, British ...

  4. Sue-Ann Levy

    Sue-Ann Levy is a Toronto Sun columnist, covering city hall. An advocate for lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, and transparency in government, Levy earned the Toronto Sun’s Reader’s Choice Award for Best Newspaper Writer/Columnist in 2007, 2008, and ...

  5. Surinder Suri

    Surinder K. Suri is President and Chief Economist at Global Economic Management & Associates, a firm specializing in economic policy and investment issues. Mr. Suri has served as an adviser to major corporations and industry associations since 1979. ...

  6. Sylvain Bernier

    Sylvain Bernier is doctoral candidate and part-time lecturer at the National School of Public Administration (ENAP). He is also an associate researcher with the Montreal Economic Institute (IEDM), secretary of the la Societe quebecoise d'evaluation ...

  7. Sylvia LeRoy

    Sylvia LeRoy was a former Policy Analyst in the Fiscal Studies Department at the Fraser Institute and Program Manager for the Donner Canadian Foundation Awards for Excellence in the Delivery of Social Services. She has an Honours BA in Political Science ...

  8. Sylvia Ostrey

    Sylvia Ostry is Distinguished Research Fellow, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto. She has a Ph.D. in economics from McGill University and Cambridge. After teaching and research at a number of Canadian universities and at the ...

  9. Tad DeHaven

    Tad DeHaven a budget analyst on federal and state budget issues for the Cato Institute. His articles have been published in the Washington Post, Washington Times, New York Post, Wall Street Journal Online, National Review, and ...

  10. Tammy Tengs

    Tammy O. Tengs is an Assistant Professor in the departments of Urban and Regional Planning and Environmental Analysis and Design in the School of Social Ecology at the University of California, Irvine, and has been an Assistant Research Professor in the ...