
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Thomas Thorn

    Thomas Thorn is pursuing a Master's degree in Economics this fall at the University of Victoria, with a focus on financial economics. He is also pursuing the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. ...

  2. Thomas Wilson

    Thomas A. Wilson is also the Area Coordinator for Business Economics at the Faculty of Management. Professor Wilson's research interests include fiscal and tax policy, applied macro-economic modelling, and industrial organization. He has published ...

  3. Thompson Ayodele

    Thompson Ayodele is the coordinator of the Institute of Public Policy Analysis in Lagos, Nigeria. ...

  4. Tim Ball

    Dr. Tim Ball, one of the first Canadians to hold a Ph.D. in climatology, wrote his doctoral thesis at the University of London (England) using the remarkable records of the Hudson's Bay Company to reconstruct climate change from 1714- 1952. He has ...

  5. Tim Mak

    Tim Mak is a third-year Political Science and Geography student at McGill University in Montreal. In the summer of 2007 he was an intern at the Fraser Institute, working in the Donner Canadian Foundation Awards for Excellence in the Delivery of Social ...

  6. Tim Reid

    Tim Reid is the past-President (1989-1998) of the 170,000 member Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canada's largest and most representative national business association. A Rhodes Scholar, he holds degrees in economics and political science from the ...

  7. Tim Wilson

    Tim Wilson has been head of the unit within Her Majesty's Prison Service (England and Wales) that is responsible for the procurement of custodial services from private companies. Within the Home Office, he has worked on criminal justice, fire service ...

  8. Stephen Pollard

    Stephen Pollard is a senior fellow at the Centre for the New Europe, a Brussels-based think tank, and the editor of cnehealth, where his report, Saving the European Pharmaceutical Industry, can be downloaded. ...

  9. Rainer Knopff

    Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Calgary Rainer Knopff, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Calgary and Senior Fellow with the Fraser Institute, has written widely on constitutional law and politics. His ...

  10. Robert A. Lawson

    Clinical Professor in Economics and Director, Bridwell Institute for Economic Freedom, Southern Methodist University Robert A. Lawson is Clinical Professor in Economics, Jerome M. Fullinwider Centennial Chair in Economic Freedom, and Director of the ...