
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Mark Hasiuk

  2. Potential permanent changes from our experience with COVID-19

    by Jason Clemens and Mark Hasiuk, Editors We recently asked our research staff and senior fellows for their thoughts on how Canada’s experience with COVID-19 and the related recession might permanently—at least the next five years—affect Canadians and our ...

  3. Potential permanent changes from our experience with COVID-19

    by Jason Clemens and Mark Hasiuk, Editors We recently asked our research staff and senior fellows for their thoughts on how Canada’s experience with COVID-19 and the related recession might permanently—at least the next five years—affect Canadians and our ...

  4. Large deficit looms for B.C. and the Horgan government

    Appeared in the Vancouver Sun, May 14, 2020 Less than three months ago, the Horgan government tabled a budget projecting a small operating surplus in 2020/21. Obviously, economic circumstances have changed. COVID-19 has significantly hurt British Columbia ...

  5. Support the Fraser Institute

    Support the Fraser Institute The Fraser Institute, Canada’s top think tank, has been ranked the 14th best worldwide (out of 11,185) in this year’s Global Go To Think Tank Index by the University of Pennsylvania! The Institute was also named a Centre of ...

  6. Read What the Experts Read

    Read What the Experts Read. The Fraser Institute is Canada's #1 public policy think tank. Each year, they release over 300 peer-reviewed studies. Last year alone, they were cited in over 1,100 professional journals. Their research is sent out free to ...

  7. Jay Hein


  8. Comparaison de la rémunération des secteurs public et privé au Québec, 2020

    Principales Conclusions À partir de données sur les travailleurs individuels de janvier à décembre 2018, ce rapport estime l’écart salarial entre le secteur public et le secteur privé au Québec. Il évalue également quatre avantages non salariaux pour ...

  9. Quand devons-nous nous soucier de la paie des PDG?

    Appeared in La Presse, January 12, 2020 Si le nouvel an signifie des feux d’artifices et des réjouissances en famille, il signifie aussi que nous reverrons encore la vieille nouvelle recyclée voulant que les dirigeants de grandes entreprises canadiennes ...

  10. Steven E. Landsburg

    Professor of Economics, University of Rochester Steven E. Landsburg is a professor of economics at the University of Rochester. He is the author of Can You Outsmart an Economist?, The Big Questions, More Sex is Safer Sex, Fair Play, The Armchair Economist ...