
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Seyitbek Usmanov


  2. Shachi Kurl

    Shachi Kurl is the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses Director of Provincial Affairs for BC and Yukon where she works with all levels of government to represent the interests of CFIB’s small business members in British Columbia and the Yukon. ...

  3. Shahrokh Shahabi-Azad


  4. Shahzia Teja

    Shahzia Teja has an MA in Economics from the University of Guelph. She was a 2006 research intern in The Fraser Institute's Department of Health and Pharmaceutical Policy Research. ...

  5. Shankar Kamath


  6. Sharon Hollows

    In 1994, after a career in teaching, Sharon Hollows became head teacher of Calverton Primary School in Newham while simultaneously completing her MA at Greenwich University. When she arrived at Calverton, standards of achievement, behaviour, and ...

  7. Shona Holmes

    Shona Holmes of Waterdown, Ontario, has filed a Statement of Claim against the Ontario Government over timely access to health care and the patient's right to access health care outside of Ontario's government-run monopolistic health care system ...

  8. Simon Potter

    Mr. Simon Potter is a partner at McCarthy Tétrault. ...

  9. Sonia Arrison

    Associate Founder and Academic Advisor, Singularity University Sonia Arrison, Senior Fellow at the Fraser Institute, is a global leader in technology policy and analysis. Her research interests include broadband competition, municipal Wi-Fi initiatives, e ...

  10. Spencer Star

    Spencer Star was born in Chicago in 1942, and received a B.S. (1964) from the University of Illinois, and an M.A. (1965) and PhD. (1971) in Economics from the University of California, Berkeley. He was an Instructor of Economics at the University of ...