
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Édison Roy-César

    Édison Roy-César has an Honours Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and a Master’s Degree in Economics from the Université de Montréal. He is currently working for the Library of Parliament, Ottawa. In 2008–2009, he worked as a research assistant at the Centre ...

  2. Edward Lopez

    Edward J. Lopez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at San Jose State University and Program Officer at the Institute for Humane Studies. ...

  3. Elizabeth Brubaker

    Elizabeth Brubaker is the executive director of Environment Probe, a division of the Energy Probe Research Foundation. She is the author of Property Rights in the Defence of Nature, published in 1995 by Earthscan, and contributed a chapter on the ...

  4. Elizabeth DeMeo

    Elizabeth DeMeo is the Research Assistant to Kenneth P. Green at the American Enterprise Institute. She holds a degree from Johns Hopkins University in international studies and political science. DeMeo also does research for scholars Michael Greve, Roger ...

  5. Elizabeth Nickson

    Elizabeth Nickson is a writer and journalist who has been published widely for the past fifteen years. Nickson was European Bureau Chief of Life Magazine in the late 80's and early 90's. During this time, she arranged photo stories and ...

  6. Eloise Anderson

    Eloise Anderson is the Institute's Director of the Program for the American Family. Ms. Anderson has been director of social services first in the state of Wisconsin and most recently in California. Eloise Anderson is nationally and internationally ...

  7. Emily Chung


  8. Emily Sands

    Emily Sands is a sophomore at Princeton University. Emily was a 2006 summer intern at the Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment. ...

  9. Emrul Hasan

    M. Emrul Hasan was a Researcher in the Centre for Financial PolicyStudies at the Fraser Institute. He teaches finance and economic policycourses at Simon Fraser University as a teaching assistant and in North SouthUniversity (Bangladesh) as a lecturer. He ...

  10. Ercel Baker

    Ercel Baker is currently a director of the China World Trade Corporation, the Chairman of China ProDiligence, as well as holding numerous other directorships and chairs. Included in his 35 years experience in leadership and senior management positions in ...