
Résultats de la recherche

  1. Julio Mejía

    Policy Analyst Julio Mejía is a Policy Analyst at the Fraser Institute. He holds a Bachelor of Government and International Relations and a Master’s degree in International Affairs from the Externado University of Colombia, and a Master’s degree in ...

  2. Evin Ryan

    Intern, Fraser Institute ...

  3. Taux d'imposition élevés des hauts salariés au Canada atlantique et au Québec

    Le Québec et l’Est du Canada ont les taux d’imposition les plus élevés à l’échelle nationale pour les personnes et les ménages qui gagnent 100 000 $ ou plus par année, et ont également les pourcentages les plus bas de déclarants d’impôt dont le revenu ...

  4. Andrew Roman

    Andrew Roman is a recently retired litigation lawyer who has presented at all levels of court and at the Supreme Court of Canada from 1973 to 2017. He has also advised and represented clients before numerous administrative tribunals on regulatory matters ...

  5. Carrie-Ann Biondi

    Carrie-Ann Biondi is an adolescent program manager and coach at Higher Ground Education and a humanities guide at Academy of Thought and Industry. She taught a wide range of philosophy courses at the college level for 25 years, most recently at Marymount ...

  6. Dedra McDonald Birzer

    Dedra McDonald Birzer is a lecturer of history at Hillsdale College in Michigan, and the editor-in-chief and director of the South Dakota Historical Society Press. She is currently writing an intellectual biography of Rose Wilder Lane and has published ...

  7. Rachel Davison Humphries

    Rachel Davison Humphries is director of outreach at the Bill of Rights Institute in Arlington, Virginia, where she currently leads innovation, partnerships, and programming. She earned her BA in Liberal Arts from St. Johns College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, ...

  8. David M. Levy

    David M. Levy is professor of economics at George Mason University and a distinguished fellow of the History of Economics Society. Levy has written seven scholarly books, over 100 journal articles, and dozens of academic books reviews and chapters in ...

  9. Sylvana Tomaselli

    Sylvana Tomaselli is a fellow of St John’s College, Cambridge. She is the author of “Mary Wollstonecraft” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2020 Edition). Her most recent publications include “The Art of Being in the Eighteenth Century: ...

  10. Virginia Postrel

    Virginia Postrel is a visiting fellow at the Smith Institute for Political Economy and Philosophy at Chapman University, a Bloomberg Opinion columnist, and the author of four books: The Fabric of Civilization (2020), The Power of Glamour (2013), The ...