aboriginal economy

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Increased employment and opportunity on reserve will help address dysfunction rooted in dependency and hopelessness.

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Saskatchewan urban reserves have been very entrepreneurial and ambitious.

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Enbridge won the support of the majority of aboriginal groups along the path of the pipeline.

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A recent op-ed cited the “myth of underfunding” of First Nations communities in Canada. Whatever your opinion on the issue, the facts are clear. Consider the four streams of revenue that flow to First Nations across the country.

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)

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More than 25 First Nation communities in the province have signed LNG development agreements with project proponents.

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In the Liberal budget, only 0.2 per cent of the $8.4 billion designated for Aboriginal people is for skills and employment training.

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Benefits of the project would have included more than $223 million in direct transfers to Tsawwassen members.

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To stimulate economic growth, Chief Bear knew he had to get his community out from under the archaic Indian Act land provisions.

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Despite headlines about poverty and low graduation rates, some First Nations communities in Canada are experiencing success.

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In the midst of the Cold War, Ronald Reagan used to say you could tell a lot about a country by what happens when its gates are flung open. If people flowed in, it was an obviously desirable nation; if they ran out, not so much.

Reagan meant it as a criticism of collectivist countries, where almost every sort of freedom and opportunity was restricted, including economic, religious, media, and freedom of association (i.e., to belong to a union or some other group).