alberta's economy

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Alberta economy recovering from COVID but government finances remain cause for concern

The province's net debt will reach a projected $102.1 billion by 2023/24.

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Canada still relies on its wounded golden goose

Without Alberta’s net contributions, Canada would have racked up upwards of $100 billion more debt since 2014.

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Oil’s rising—Alberta, bank those resource revenues

Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund is now worth US$1 Trillion.

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To fix Alberta’s economy, Kenney must also fix health care

Alberta ranks 5th among provinces for availability of physicians.

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Alberta’s problems hurt Ontario—here’s how

In 2017, Alberta’s net contribution to the federal government was $21.8 billion and Ontario’s was $16.6 billion.

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A disappointing jobs report for Alberta

Far more Albertans are receiving EI payments today.