bc education system

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On a per student basis, inflation adjusted education spending in B.C. public schools increased by 18.3 per cent.

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With more prudent education spending, Ontario could have reduced its provincial deficit by two-thirds.

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Ontario’s financial status quo is not sustainable. That’s the conclusion of numerous independent analyses, the former provincial treasurer, and the province’s own commission on reform of public sector services. Yet despite these warnings, the province has allowed an unsustainable set of fiscal policies to persist while missing opportunities for reform.

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As BC parents and students struggle with the teachers’ strike and prospects of a significantly delayed school year, it’s worth understanding how and why one-in-eight students (and their parents) in the province is unaffected by the strike.

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Normally at this is the time of year many BC families would be counting down the days until school resumed. But this year is different, with the ongoing BC teachers’ union labour dispute casting a pall of uncertainty over the start of the school year. It’s a classic example of the negative effects of a monopoly, and as is often the case with monopolies, ordinary families are the ones most affected.