bc government spending

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Another big spending budget would drown B.C. government in red ink

In 2022/23, the latest year of complete data, inflation-adjusted spending reached a record high of $14,275 per person.

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B.C. government’s spending spike sparks debt boom

This fiscal year the province's debt interest costs with reach $3.3 billion.

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B.C. government shouldn’t boast about child-care disaster

More than 58 per cent of families in the province reported difficulty finding child care in 2023 compared to 46.5 per cent in 2019.

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Cost of government debt rising for British Columbians

By 2025/26, the province will spend an estimated $4.1 billion on debt interest—an increase of 53 per cent over three years.

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B.C. ramps up spending and increases size of government

Public-sector capital investment is pegged at $48.5 billion over the next three years.

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B.C. government should help create genuine ‘growth’ and reduce taxes

The province now has the fourth-highest top personal income tax rate in Canada and the United States.

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B.C. government faces clear choice in upcoming budget

After six consecutive years of surpluses, the government ran operating deficits in 2019 and 2020.