business investment

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Business ambition must be a Canadian value

The only truly pro-business policies foster competitive markets and produce a more level playing field.

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Ottawa’s ballooning debt and deficits should be major campaign issue

Canada has the fifth-highest level of total government debt among 29 industrialized countries.

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Muskrat Falls project illustrates problem with public ownership of large-scale projects

Government officials face very different incentives than people in the private sector.

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Next federal government should spur business investment to help raise living standards

A majority of industries in Canada reduced investments in machinery, equipment and intellectual property products.

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As Trudeau government tables budget, don’t be fooled by positive short-term economic news

Between 2016 and 2019, per-person GDP grew at an average annual rate of only 0.8 per cent.

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Trudeau government keeps ‘imagining’ while Canadians suffer the economic consequences

For the 45 research projects approved, almost $100 million had been committed but not necessarily spent.

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Rhetoric vs. reality—the Trudeau government’s dismal record on business investment

On the broadest measure of investment, the Trudeau government experienced an average annual decline of 0.2 per cent before the 2020 recession.

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Trudeau government must create friendlier investment climate to spur COVID recovery

Investment is key for economic growth, job creation and living standards for Canadians and their families.