capital gains tax

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Capital gains tax hike would hurt many Canadians—not just the rich

Taxes on capital and income are the most damaging to the economy.

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Trudeau government should kill rumours about capital gains hike

The Chrétien and Martin Liberals reduced the capital gains inclusion rate from 75 per cent to 50 per cent.

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Misunderstandings about capital gains taxes

For most Canadians, capital gains do not show up in income or capital gains statistics.

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Gaining advantage—eliminating provincial capital gains taxes in Alberta

Alberta’s personal income tax return relies on federally-determined income to calculate provincial income.

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Stemming the demographic tide on U.S. entrepreneurship

By eliminating capital gains taxes, the government could help strengthen the incentives for people to start and grow businesses.

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Tax policy is the most efficient way to incentivize high-growth entrepreneurship and access to finance.