education spending

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Simply throwing more money at schools will not increase student test scores

The two highest-spending provinces had significantly lower test scores than the lowest-spending province.

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Nova Scotia government can easily ban smartphones in schools despite naysayers

By allowing some students to have smartphones in class, we guarantee that other kids will be distracted.

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More choice—not more money—will fix Saskatchewan schools

The province's student test scores declined by 38 points in math, 21 points in reading and 22 points in science.

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Party leadership hopeful makes erroneous claims about school choice in Alberta

If the government operates a short list of school options, it won’t provide the diversity many families require.

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Ontario government’s tuition freeze doubles down on failed policies

As the government withdraws funding, it can also withdraw regulatory and administrative burdens.

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All provinces—not just Alberta—should embrace charter schools

According to long-term trends, public school spending is rising while test scores are falling.

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Canadians in three provinces will spend roughly the same on debt interest as K-12 education

Provincial and federal net debt has increased by $1.0 trillion from 2007/08 to 2023/24.